For 8 years now, the Boot Camp For Dads program has been educating new and returning dads on the safe and loving techniques necessary when caring for a baby.

We practically have a PhD in diapers!

The main objective of the Boot Camp For Dads program is to offer an engaging, yet extremely effective course at area hospitals and other
community centers at a low cost (for those who can afford it) and through no-cost scholarship programs (for those in need of assistance).

So, get with the program! There is no excuse, gentlemen. Sign up here for Boot Camp For Dads.

Program Director Kevin Sutton is an extremely effective class instructor, a proven master at teaching new dads tricks of the trade. He loves what he does and invites you to join him.

And veteran dads, please come back and say hello!

Our mission continues …

– Mark Padgett

Photo credit: The National Guard

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